Economic Development

& Financial Empowerment


Bridge Street has served as a catalyst for the economic revitalization and growth of small businesses in Central Brooklyn by forming or strengthening merchants associations along import commercial corridors; developing neighborhood and business improvement strategies based on the Commercial Development Needs Assessment surveys we have carried out in Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights and Ocean Hill; planning and implementing local place-making initiatives such as Open Streets, Juneteenth Unity Marketplace, Destination Nostrand, TAMA Halloween Crawl and Art Walk.

Small Business Technical Assistance

For over 15 years, Bridge Street has provided technical and financial assistance to MWBEs, small businesses, start-up firms and expanding businesses in Central Brooklyn. This includes providing below market rate commercial rental space, workshops facilitated by NY Business Solution Center and Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, financial literacy assistance provided by local banking institutions and collaboration on community events on commercial corridors.  As a result of our work with small businesses, particularly, minority and women owned, Bridge Street was at the forefront of providing disaster relief financial services and technical support. This included close to $100,000 in $2,500 and $10,000 grants for Bedford Stuyvesant minority/women owned businesses in partnership with LISC NYC. 

Our comprehensive wrap-around services are designed to support a diverse range of businesses, including brick-and-mortar, online-based, and home-based ventures, and offers essential technical assistance in multiple areas, including:

  • Assistance with Loans and Grants
  • Business Planning
  • Certificate Authority Filing
  • Emergency Response
  • M/WBE Certification
  • NYC Vendor Account Setup
  • Referrals for legal and leasing issues


The Commercial District Needs Assessment (CDNA)
highlights the existing business landscape, consumer characteristics, physical environment, and unique character of the commercial corridors and local businesses that make up the identity of each neighborhood.

We created the following CDNAs, in partnership with NYC Small Business Services, to identify the needs and opportunities for local neighborhood revitalization within Bedford Stuyvesant and Crown Height. These CDNAs also include recommendations for merchant organizing, public programming, district marketing and branding, streetscape enhancements, business support services, and other quality of life improvements that can be funded by Small Business Services Neighborhood 360° Grants, Avenue NYC grants, or other organizations.

Click here (external site) for more information on Small Business Services and other CDNAs .

Commercial District

Needs Assessment

The Commercial District Needs Assessment (CDNA)
highlights the existing business landscape, consumer characteristics, physical environment, and unique character of the commercial corridors and local businesses that make up the identity of each neighborhood. The following CDNAs identify the needs and opportunities for local neighborhood revitalization, with recommendations for merchant organizing, public programming, district marketing and branding, streetscape enhancements, business support services, and other quality of life improvements that can be funded by Neighborhood 360° Grants, Avenue NYC grants, or other organizations.

Crown Heights

Commercial District Needs Assessment


Commercial District Needs Assessment

Merchant Organizing

Bridge Street has partnered in the formation and strengthening of the following merchant associations that support the economic growth and development of small businesses throughout Central Brooklyn.


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